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Canon Demi half-frame retro compact camera
Canon Demi half-frame retro compact camera
Classic Cameras AU

To compete with Olympus, Canon produced the Demi range of half-frame cameras starting in 1963. The Demi has a beautiful curved aluminium body, very small and easy to slip into a pocket and take anywhere.

Being a half-frame camera it uses standard 35mm film (available everywhere), but it takes each photo on only half of the negative. This means that you get double the photos from each film - a huge 72 photos from a regular 36 exposure film.

If you get your films developed and just scanned, then most labs will not charge you any extra which makes this camera an awesome choice for keen photographers on a budget.

It has a nice f2.8 lens, and a very clever exposure system. It does not need batteries.

To take a photo with the correct exposure simply turn the outer lens ring to align a couple of needles showing in the top meter window, and the camera then selects the correct aperture and shutter speed.

There is an inner lens ring to set the focus using easy-to-use zone marks.

It also has the 'B' shutter speed setting, if you are taking night photos (best to use a tripod too).


  • In full working order
  • Lens in very good condition
  • Body in fair condition with a few scuffs and dents